
Showing posts from September, 2018

The True Cost Of Education

This is unit one of the Economics course. For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about supply/demand and how it plays out in the market place. For our action project, I had two choose two paths to take for college. We had to research the cost of college and how long it would take to pay off. We also had to choose a career path which gave us an idea of how much money we would make in a lifetime. Overall I enjoyed this unit. I liked it because it was very prevalent to my life right now. I hope you enjoy my project!

A School Shooting In North Suburbs

This is unit one of the Humanities course in Journalism. In this unit we learned about the news and how it can be portrayed differently. What is on social media is not always true and it can be perceived differently by different people. For our FE we went to the Congress Plaza Hotel to see a demonstration about an issue about a paying issue. For this AP, we had to make a story about a issue we thought was news worthy and interview someone on it to see their point of view. I interviewed my two friends and they gave me some good perspective and insight. Overall, this was an ok project and I hope you enjoy it! In Glenview IL, Glenbrook South High School will be increasing security after a threat of a shooting. On Thursday, September 20, 2018 two students reported seeing a threat written on the back of a classroom desk around 2:30 pm that said: “There will be a school shooting Sept 25, 2018.” The principal of GBS sent an email to all parents and students Friday afternoon discussing the saf...